art is political, always

not surprised but still angry whenever i see someone demand that artists just “stay out of politics.” first of all, art, like everything else, exists in a political system. and, art that claims to be apolitical is making a political claim.

the moment you try to make a beautiful thing, say a poem; a persuasive thing, say a moving poem—you have entered the political. because what is beauty? who decides? how did this language, this english, come to be? what are you doing to remake it? if you can’t handle the fact that art and the political are inseparable—that’s on you.

art is always political—the making of it, and of course, the publication and circulation of it. the images and voices and words you choose to amplify—a political choice. nonblack people: if you’re only sharing work by Black poets now, you need to ask yourself why. why not year-round?

nonblack people: if you’re only sharing art that reiterates Black people’s trauma, ask yourself why. do you only engage with Black people’s art when it’s about pain? do you read all Black literature like it’s ethnography? do you make Black art all about you? reflect & do better.